Friday, 17 April 2020

Insect Art - Check it Out

MNL were challenged by Schoolkit to create some Insect Art, based on the work of Raku Inoue. You can check his work out here:

MNL rose to the challenge and were able to create some of their own fantastic creations! Check them out below:

Harriet's Creation

Another of Harriet's creations

Harriet's mum also got in on the challenge - here is her Garden Fairy!

Jordan's Butterfly Magic

Koya's Beautiful Butterfly

Olivia's Garden Delight
Drew's work of Art

Giorgio's Praying Mantis

Kyra's cool Stick Insect
Bede's Dragonfly
Eddy's Dragonfly


  1. Wow MNL, I am so impressed with your insect art. I love how creative you have all been! Isn't it amazing what you can make with different items found in your garden.

    Whaea Siniece

  2. hi
    I'm Bessie from Grey Main School. I really love these animals, they are so florescent, creative and it is such a good idea.
    Great job.
