Wednesday 29 April 2020

Travelling Animals

While in Lockdown, the world has gone so quiet! Travelling to far off places is now just a dream, and so we have to use our imagination to take us to the places we want to go!
With the world locked down, MNL were challenged to send their pets, or themselves to some far off destinations - places that they would one day like to visit! Our pets and animals travelled to some pretty impressive places - all around the world. You can check out some of their dream destinations below:


  1. Hi I am Shakeira from Grey Main School. My favourite place that I would go would be Thailand. I've never been there but would love to. I like all your posts they are really cool. What is your favourite place to go to? Bye for now. Here is my blog

  2. Hey my name is Zoe from Grey Main.
    This seemed like a very fun activity to do. A place I really want to go to is Venice,Italy. I've always wanted to go to the restaurant in Ratatouille too.
    I hope to see more of this fantastic work. Ka pai!
    Check out my blog later at:

  3. Hi my name is Emily from grey main school I really like your destinations I would love to go to all those places they look awesome.
